

Bloc Texte

It's summer, the best time to drink water!


The Tchin-tchin Challenge 

During summer months, staying hydrated becomes very important in preventing dehydration and heat stroke. Encouraging water consumption is essential for the health and well-being of young campers.

Bloc Texte

The Tchin-tchin Challenge in my camp

The first week of July, it's the Tchin-tchin Challenge in my camp! Campers are invited to take on the Challenge with their camp counselors. Like the school challenge of the same name, the Tchin-tchin Challenge in my camp aims to promote healthy hydration by encouraging, regulating and valuing water consumption among youths throughout the day.

This is a Collectif Vital initiative in collaboration with the Power Up Fondation.

To find out more about the Challenge

Bloc Mini-fiches

Become a model camp

A camp encouraging consumption of water

A camp encouraging consumption of water

Camp should be a supportive environment for regular water consumption. There are many ways to make water visible and attractive to children at camp.

The ideal animation team

The ideal animation team

Counselors are inspiring role models for campers! By promoting water, they help prevent dehydration and improve the health of the campers.

Bloc Texte

To valorize water fountains at camps, download and print posters in the City section.
